
Property and Business

Dear Quietus LLC,

    When we were struggling to keep our low income property running we had no idea what could be done.  We were trying all the conventional methods to increasing the occupancy, enhancing resident retention, screening residents better, you name it, we were trying it. The property is five years old and has had six managers and five maintenance employees.  There is a higher than average turn over of people living there. There was a lot of tension and dislike and distrust of the employees by the residents. The expenses were really high because the residents didn’t respect the community. It was a troubled property.

    When someone put me in touch with you I have to admit, I was skeptical but desperate.  I wanted to be “open minded” but really?  Quite frankly everything you said in our meeting sounded “out of this world” and as it turns out, it kind of was out of my world.  At least out of the world I see and understand. I figured anything that could turn what was going on around was worth it!

    You stated that that there was a lot going on at the property and you explained what you wanted to do in order to clear it.  You also warned that you estimated six to seven apartments moving out due to the change in energy. Well, let me just say, you were spot on!  Seven apartments transitioned with in the 30 to 60 days following the clearing. Funny, they were the troubled residents that were taxing the team and the property. It has begun to transition the whole community to build the sense of “community” or “connectedness” that we have been struggling to foster with the residents for years.

    The property feels more welcoming, warm, and “homey”.  I know this is due to the transition you performed at the community.  While I don’t completely understand what you see and how you do what you do, I know it works.  I know “it” no longer will be effecting the 110 children living at this community. I know we are making a difference in lives by the nature of our business, but you help them thrive.  I appreciate all your assistance and continued follow up. It has meant so much to all the residents of the community. They finally feel settled and safe. Thank you!


Maureen. M

Regional Property Manager


Quietus Ltd did a major clearing for me and my family and my business, and it has made an immense difference in our lives, and for my company.  We were encountering quite a lot of problems, both with the business and in our personal lives, and the clearing and protection that Quietus Ltd did for all of us changed things dramatically, including improving my business and improving  income for me and the members of my family.

     I can't speak highly enough for the powerful work that Quietus Ltd is capable of doing.  They also conduct their business with sensitivity, discretion and very professionally.

     If you are encountering any problems, or even if things in your business or life are not going as well as you expect them to be going, contact Quietus Ltd.  Their information and intuition was exactly right on target, and the work they do, including the after-care (information and protection) is beyond excellent.  

Donna T.

Energy Workers

In the many times I have met A of Quietus Ltd I have been deeply impressed by his integrity and power. He is a man of his word and commanding in his energy. There are oogie boogies in the world and when I need someone to kick their butt, A is the man I call to help!

More than the obvious bump in the night, A sees in the invisible realms with such aptitude, I am left in awe. He finds the things that hide in the darkest corners yet carry the greatest threat. His breadth of knowledge of the dimensions and their inhabitants is truly a gift. Where psychics and shamans leave off, A picks up and clears away with ease.

Though it’s hard to quantify just what he does, A instills the greatest of trust from those he meets.

Even though he’s removing things we may not see, once it’s been cleared, we feel clear and safe and

recognize something has indeed shifted. His commands carry such weight there isn’t a being in the universe who won’t clear the way when A asks. Simply, he is a force and one I am grateful to have on my side.

Andye Murphy

Rock N Roll Shaman


Working with Quietus Ltd has been a refreshing experience. They treated me with kindness, respect, understanding and  took the time to fully explain the process and what to expect. Quietus Ltd had a polite and gentle demeanor while approaching my situation assertively, directly and promptly. They were very thorough in their work and exhibited a high level of professionalism and integrity.

    Quietus Ltd did energetic spring house cleaning, resetting the energy of my home for me.  They moved old energies and blocks from my body that have prevented me from moving forward and accomplishing my personal, professional and financial goals. Since working with Quietus Ltd I have been aware of the loving protection placed around me and my house.  My home has felt more peaceful, harmonious and warmer even with the onset of cooler weather. I have felt calmer, more relaxed. A sense of enchantment has set in, like the magical feeling of waking up on Christmas morning to freshly fallen snow, a crackling fire, and the anticipation of gifts and a family gathering.

    The gift in working with Quietus Ltd has been the disappearance of negative energies and interference, giving me the space and freedom I needed to reintegrate the pieces of myself that I had abandoned. The removal of the foreign energies from my space is allowing me to become whole again and take steps toward accomplishing my goals and reaching my potential. With in a week of the session with Quietus Ltd I received a job offer after not having had an official job for over 20 years.

    I highly recommend Quietus Ltd.  It’s great to have a “Spiritual Bouncer” on your side when you feel stuck and unclear about how to get unstuck.

FaitheAnne W.: Artist, Intuitive, Instructor

    I believe it is difficult to explain what Quietus Ltd does, because we don’t have words in our English vocabulary that can adequately describe their work.  Don’t let the vagueness fool you. I don’t have words to describe their methods, I can describe the results!

    I work diligently to keep myself and my living space as clear of negativity as possible.  Yet in spite of these efforts, I knew something was still affecting me, my space and even my cat!  My sleeping patterns were disrupted. I had not had a good night’s sleep for years. My financial situation had gone from bad to worse.  My cat was showing physical signs of distress, constantly scratching his skin. He had also developed a pattern of standing guard at the mirror by the bathroom sink.  He would frequently stare directly into the mirror and howl very loudly. One morning I went into the bathroom and there on the mirror were circular marks that appeared to be a portal of some sort.  The cat was lying stretched out in front of the portal, standing guard.

    A of Quietus Ltd did an Energetic Needs Assessment, and we agreed he would do the clearing late that night.  I woke up a little bit after 1:00 a.m. In speaking with Quietus Ltd the next day, I realized that I had awakened mere moments after they had completed the clearing.  It was obvious to me that the clearing was so profound that it woke me from a deep sleep. Since the clearing, the portal has not reappeared. My cat is much calmer; his skin doesn’t itch as much as before.  He no longer guards the bathroom mirror.

As for me, I am consistently able to sleep through the night. My finances are starting to improve as well. So far, in the 18 days since Quietus Ltd did this clearing, calls from potential clients have almost doubled what they were in the two months prior to the clearing combined.  These concrete observable results speak for themselves. I would encourage you to do yourself a favor, let Quietus Ltd help you too. You will be very glad you did!

Connie D.

Medical Intervention

To Whom it May Concern:

     The following is a summary of events which took place between November 11th and November 21st.

On Friday evening my father complained to my mother he wasn’t feeling well. He awoke Saturday morning and made breakfast, ate and decided to go back to bed.  A few hours later he awoke and decided to watch a little television while my mother started dinner. The next few hours, according to my mother, he became less and less interested in what they were watching and stopped communicating with her.  She said she figured he was feeling poorly and dismissed it. At about 5pm she let the dogs out and told dad dinner was done, asking if he wanted a tortilla with dinner. He answered with a simple but forceful no. Several minutes went by and he still hadn’t joined my mom in the kitchen for dinner, she approached him and asked if he wanted dinner. She said he was sitting up in his chair with his hands in fists up around his mid chest and he had a tremor.  When she asked him if he was coming to dinner her answered her in gibberish. She asked him if he was ok and again he answered her but it was not intelligible speech. He became agitated and attempted to stand but couldn’t. My mother called 911 and got him to the hospital fearing he had had a stroke. The emergency room physician ran an MRI on him and ruled out a stroke, they next ran a CAT scan to rule out seizure. He had not had either according to the tests.  They drew blood and started 4 different antibiotics and 2 antivirals. They had no idea what was wrong with him. 6 hours later my dad was unconscious and non- responsive, even to painful stimulus. They transferred him to a top hospital in Denver Colorado at 4 in the morning by life flight.

He was transferred to the critical care unit; the Neurologist ran another MRI and MRV on him and then did a lumbar puncture to rule out meningitis.  Up to this point every test came up normal. I arrived on Monday mid-morning and realized quickly I was looking at the shell of my dad. I started asking questions of the nurses as to his condition and what they had tested him for. They told me the doctor ran an angiography on his brain to rule out vasculitis, it too came back normal. Later the Neurologist brought in a Toxicologist and an Infectious Disease specialist.  They questioned my mom about his activities and any chemicals he may have been around in the last couple weeks. Asked if they had eaten any cantaloupe due to the Listeria outbreak and drew more blood to run more tests. They brought in an Internal Medicine specialist and ran more tests still they found nothing. Dad remained unconscious.

On Wednesday I called L of Quietus Ltd to talk to her about what the circumstances were, I had worked with her as a Spiritual Coach in the past, and I was terrified we weren’t going to get my dad back.  I explained what was happening when I got to her office, and asked if she might be able to check on my dad energetically. She said she would ask if her work was appropriate, and would get back to me.  I returned to the hospital to find my father agitated and restrained to his hospital bed, this was the first activity we had seen from him in several days. Very shortly after I returned, L called and asked if she and another Shaman, K, could come and see my dad.  I of course said yes. She explained there was something else going on with dad and it was important they see him. I told my mother and she agreed to let them come in to see him, I told her they were going to try to find out where dad was spiritually and energetically, and tell him it was going to be ok.  L explained that their associate, A would be working remotely with my dad while she and K worked with his body. They spent an hour in his room in the presence of my mom. He was calmer when they left, although still restrained, but his blood pressure had gone down considerably according to my mom and L. When L and K came out to the waiting room, they explained some of the techniques they used with dad.  L explained his Chakras were completely blown out; she realigned them and cleared his energy pathways so his soul could re-enter. She also said that she saw my dad, and showed him that she had restored the body, that it was safe to come back. K explained she had to find all the pieces of him which were scattered; she said dad’s soul had been fractured into 5 shards. She explained it took some time to find all the pieces and get them back into his space. L and K gave us instructions to encourage dad to come back, by reassuring him, and expressing joy and anticipation of ‘family’ time in his presence. While they had worked to bring him back together and clear his body, it was going to take him being more awake and off of narcotic meds before we would see some change in his behavior, before he could reenter his body.  Both L and K let me know dad was going to go through what they called a hard “re-set”, but that the body wasn’t in pain, and had been restored. About 15 minutes after the ladies left, I spoke to the nurse about having dad come off of the heavy narcotics. It occurred to me that due to inflammation, he might need a steroid! The nurse came in and gave my dad a dose of steroids, his first; it was 8 pm on Wednesday night.

On Thursday morning we arrived at 8 am and my dad was responding verbally, he was only answering direct questions, simple yes and no answers only.  He was opening his eyes a little. He would squeeze a hand if prompted to do so but was not yet lucid. He received another dose of steroids and by late afternoon he remembered who he was and who my mom was, he was still quite agitated and restrained. At some point during the night he asked to use a bedside commode and when the nurses let him up he pulled out his nasogastric tube, they said he was laughing like a little boy when he did it, like he’d gotten away with something he knew he wasn’t supposed to do. The first signs of this re-set? It appeared to be!

Friday morning we’re awakened by mom’s cell phone ringing, it was dad!  He was wondering where he was and where mom was. We immediately returned to the hospital to find him sitting up in bed, unrestrained and speaking to the nurses.  Actually it was almost like he was flirting with the nurses, and picking on my mom!  By late Friday afternoon he was acting much nicer to my mom and had eaten solid foods, he still didn’t believe he was in Denver and it took me going to his favorite deli before he started to believe. Obviously he had no idea he’d been gone for 5 days, he had no knowledge he’d been flown to Denver.

As he began regaining his faculties I began to look at the events of the last few days, it was obvious to me that his brain had gone through a shut- down and was in the process of completely resetting itself, as the members of Quietus had told us to expect!  It was like watching him grow up in fast forward. His behavior went from child- like behavior, straight to teenager to dad.

On Saturday morning they moved him to the ICU and continued to do tests, still everything they had run had come back normal. His speech was still a little slurred, but that didn’t stop him from calling family to tell them he was leaving for home in the morning.  I left on Saturday, needing to return to work. By Monday morning they had run out of tests to run on him and had no choice but to let him go home, never having found the cause of the problem.  It was several weeks before his speech was fully normal again, but he had regained his strength, with no clear evidence of the appearance of the severe brain injured person we thought he’d become. He even went out and bought a new car this weekend!

The Medical doctors had done an MRI, MRV, CAT scan, lumbar puncture, angiogram of his brain and several thousands of dollars in blood work and never found a reason for my dad’s “illness”.  I have worked in the medical community for nearly 20 years, currently in the operating room and I can say with total honesty there was nothing medically wrong with my dad. I can only attribute the miraculous return of my father to the spiritual and energetic work of the members of Quietus Ltd.


J. S., on behalf of D. K.