A crash course in reality

A crash course in reality

What is going on...?

"I know this sounds crazy..."

"I am not one of those people that sees stuff but..."

"It's probably nothing... It's just my imagination..."

"Something is wrong, I can feel it. Why will no one believe


"What is going on? Am I going crazy?"

If you have found yourself saying these words or ones similar, you are not alone.

Please read the following truths as they will provide a framework for understanding.

Truth # 1

All of reality is composed of energy. The only difference between a liquid water (tangible and visible) and water vapor(intangible and invisible to the eye) is the speed at which molecules vibrate (vibrational frequency). There is no fundamental difference between visible sun light a coffee table and subatomic debris except for the frequency of vibration.

Truth # 2

Everything is interconnected. It was described by Einstein as the "spooky action at a distance." Modern Quantum Physicists call it quantum entanglement. By manipulating one atom or molecule, you can instantaneously alter another one that is far away.

Truth # 3

Just because it is not visible to the human eye, does not mean it isn't real. You can't see microwave radiation or UHF frequencies but you can still heat up left overs and talk on a cell phone.

Truth # 4

Just because you can't see it or touch it does not mean it can't hurt you. Both afore

mentioned practices were deemed harmless until recent studied found that eating "nuked" food and talking on your phone can cause cancer.

Truth # 5

People have the ability to manipulate energy. By employing various techniques, events such as consciously dropping or increasing body temperature (focused control over own energetic systems), healing with touch(use of own energy to manipulate the energy of another) or prayer (intention focusing and bolstering the energies of another) have created scientifically observed and recorded "miracles". They were called this because science has yet to embrace the "unseen" as a real and viable part of existence.

There is much more happening in your world than you can ever consciously comprehend.

Your mind shuts out all of the background information allowing you to focus on what ever task is at hand.

None the extra information is disregarded or ignored, it is recorded by your subliminal perception. All of that information is processed by the unconscious mind and is expressed in subtle ways. It becomes that "bad feeling" in the pit of your stomach, the overwhelming urge to leave the presence of a new acquaintance or the hair standing on the back of your neck when you enter a room.

Most of the time, the issues resolve themselves with distance or time away from the cause.

Sometimes, the problems get worse and more frequent to the point they begin to affect your ability to live your life in the manner you choose. It is in those situations that you need to consult with someone who has knowledge and experience in these matters.

If you are currently experiencing or have experienced any or all of the following:

• Intense feelings of dread, fear or revulsion in specific areas of your home or workplace.

• Have had objects repeatedly relocate when not observed or observation of things "flying" with no explanation.

• Physical manifestation on your person or another family member such as scratches, cuts, welts, hives or abrasions with no identifiable physical cause.

• Overwhelming sense that you are being watched or even stalked in a visibly empty room.

• Sleep paralysis accompanied by vivid or "real" nightmares.

• Dramatic changes in the behavior of pets around certain people or in particular places.

• Or any similar events well outside of your comfort zone

Seek assistance from professionals immediately.